Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Outline for the Second Term Paper

I.            Introduction
a.       Law of Physics: Conservation of Mass
II.            Three Items of Media that Demonstrate lack of Conservation of Mass
a.       Resident Evil 6 (Video Game)
                                                  i.      Man turns into 3 story tall tyrannosaurus with only the amount of mass in his body (enuff said. Just kidding; but it’s horrendous)
b.      Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (Movie)
                                                  i.      Idea is used that what is being removed is the space between atomic particles; allowing shrinkage
                                                ii.      They still would retain their mass, meaning that they would still  be as strong and heavy as they were as normal sized people
c.       Star Trek (2009)
                                                  i.      There is a red matter that can create a black hole that can fix an exploding supernova star
III.            Conclusion
a.       Lots of laws of physics are bent or ignored for drama or effect, especially suspending the disbelief of the audience realistically. Sometimes, however, even the audience can be tipped off to the lack of realism when done so blatantly or ungracefully as Resident Evil. It can detract from a story rather than enhance it.

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