Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Stop Motion Animation of Falling

Oh no! It's a little yucky.

I worked out the yo-yo physics and tried to be interesting; preparing an animation in flash to work out the timing, but I didn't of course take into account the difficulty of the physicality of the medium. The string was incredibly uncooperative, and I noticed though I had taped down the filming area, it had been moving a bit anyway. If I had added a spin perhaps the yo-yo illusion would have been more effective; but it still accounts that the physics and the arcs are not completely believable hence its kitschy nature. I knew stop motion would be an endurance test on the body, and it was, to be positioned in a certain way as to be ready to take the shot as quickly as possible in the right motion.

I used a cap and some string; though I had taped the string down behind the cap, it kept furling a lot and giving away its lack of tension on a horizontal surface. I rigged a camera and a stand to take the pictures but they ended up moving anyway as I pressed the button.

PPS: I'm sorry Professor it is 4am and I have been trying to get the video to work for hours. I am going to send it ahead to Brandon and you on email to prove that I had it since I CANNOT fix this. 

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